I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Vision and Robotic Perception (CVRP) laboratory at National University of Singapore (NUS), supervised by Prof. Gim Hee Lee. My research interests lie in 3D computer vision, especially in sequential 3D reconstruction, understanding and generation. Before entering NUS, I was an research intern in Computational Cognition, Vision, and Learning (CCVL) laboratory at Johns Hopkins University under Prof. Alan Yuille. I recived my B.S. degree in Computer Science and Technology from ShenYuan Honors College at Beihang University in 2021, advised by Prof. Si Liu.


🚀 [07.2024] Three papers UNIKD TreeSBA URS-NeRF are accepted at ECCV 2024!!

🚀 [03.2024] One paper GNeSF is accepted at NeurIPS 2023!

🚀 [06.2023] One paper HeiChole is accepted at Medical Image Analysis 2023!

🚀 [06.2022] One paper CGPart is accepted at CVPR 2022 (oral)!


Featured Works

UNIKD: UNcertainty-Filtered Incremental Knowledge Distillation for Neural Implicit Representation

UNIKD: UNcertainty-Filtered Incremental Knowledge Distillation for Neural Implicit Representation

Mengqi Guo, Chen Li, Hanlin Chen, Gim Hee Lee
ECCV, 2024
[Project Page] [PDF] [Code]

TreeSBA: Tree-Transformer for Self-Supervised Sequential Brick Assembly

TreeSBA: Tree-Transformer for Self-Supervised Sequential Brick Assembly

Mengqi Guo*, Chen Li*, Yuyang Zhao, Gim Hee Lee
ECCV, 2024
[Project Page] [PDF] [Code]

URS-NeRF: Unordered Rolling Shutter Bundle Adjustment for Neural Radiance Fields

URS-NeRF: Unordered Rolling Shutter Bundle Adjustment for Neural Radiance Fields

Bo Xu, Ziao Liu, Mengqi Guo, Jiancheng Li, Gim Hee Lee
ECCV, 2024
[Project Page] [PDF] [Code]

GNeSF: Generalizable Neural Semantic Fields

GNeSF: Generalizable Neural Semantic Fields

Hanlin Chen, Chen Li, Mengqi Guo, Zhiwen Yan, Gim Hee Lee
NeurIPS, 2023
[Project Page] [PDF] [Code]

Learning Part Segmentation Through Unsupervised Domain Adaptation from Synthetic Vehicles.

Learning Part Segmentation Through Unsupervised Domain Adaptation from Synthetic Vehicles

Qing Liu, Adam Kortylewski, Zhishuai Zhang, Zizhang Li, Mengqi Guo, Qihao Liu, Xiaoding Yuan, Jiteng Mu, Weichao Qiu, Alan Yuille,
CVPR, 2022 (Oral)
[Project Page] [PDF]

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